Each week we will take a timed fact test, which we call “Magic Minutes.” Our tests have 30 problems and the kids see how many they can do in 2 minutes. We will do two tests each week – one addition and one subtraction. This system is automatically differentiated to reach all math levels. The addition and subtraction are each broken into two levels – facts to 10 and facts to 20. Once they get all 30 correct, they move on to the next level. When they have passed both addition levels, they begin working on their multiplication facts. When they pass both subtraction problems, they will do two multiplication tests.
Please keep in mind that the 1st grade benchmark is addition and subtraction facts to 10, while the 2nd grade benchmark is addition and subtraction facts to 20. The third grade benchmark is multiplication. I understand that fine motor skills can impact a student’s score and will take that into account when marking the report card.
I want to stress that although it is important to learn these facts, it is only a small part of becoming a mathematician. We will only spend 15 minutes on Magic Minutes out of the 5 hours we have of math each week! I want the kids to focus on doing a little better each week, rather than on passing. It is important that they feel successful and do not begin feeling stressed about their scores. Your help with this will be much appreciated!
I also want to make sure that everyone, kids and parents, understand that it is okay to use strategies, such as counting on fingers, using doubles and neighbors or counting backwards to figure out the answer. The goal is to learn the facts “snap” fast by the end of the year, but using strategies while they practice is advisable. As they become more confident, most kids will naturally move away from the strategies. Practicing facts aloud, printing sheets from the internet and flash cards are all great ways to learn basic facts. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns about the Magic Minutes.