
I want to have an open line of communication with families and it is important to me that you are a part of your child’s education. For this reason, I try my best to get a newsletter out each week to let you know what we have been doing. (I know that kids this age aren’t usually the most forthcoming with information!)

I check my email every evening and try to respond in 24 hours. (Weekends may be a bit longer.) Please email me with questions, concerns and successes. I can’t always check my email during the school day, so this doesn’t work for communicating anything urgent.

We do have a voicemail system at Irvington. If you would like to leave me a message, you can call our classroom number 503.915.3600 x 79706. I will not be available to check these messages until after school, so please don’t leave an urgent message. You can continue to call the school office as you have done before for emergencies (503.916.6185).